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Mesothelioma Research
Pharmaceutical Breakthroughs for Mesothelioma
Currently, Alimta is the only chemotherapy drug approved by the FDA for treating Mesothelioma. It works to bring cell division process to an end and often comes to its injection with cisplatin (a platinum based chemotherapy drug). This combination is one of the best for treating Mesothelioma.
Onconase is a less toxic drug used in chemotherapy, which works to reduce and destroy Mesothelioma tumors. It is also one amongst the many first cell drugs that reached the final stages of the medical trials. This drug has come to its declaration by the Fast Track program of the FDA that accelerates the appreciation time for specific drugs. This program generally cuts the appreciation time to six months. This allows the drug to be used widely when majority of the patients take a few other drugs approved by the FDA.
In clinical testing trials conducted in the year 2004, Veglin revealed its ability to alleviate and shrivel tumors thus reaching the Phase II of the trials. Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of California are currently scrutinizing the success of this drug in patients suffering from Mesothelioma. They expect that this medication will restrain the quick metastasis characteristic of Mesothelioma.
It takes approximately about 12 to 15 years to introduce a new Mesothelioma drug. Spending ample time during the development phase considering the use and effects of the drug for the safety of the patient is a very important aspect.
Stage of the Process | Step of Development |
Years 1-3 | Basic Research |
Years 4-6 | Pre-clinical testing using in vitro (artificially created environments) and animal trials |
Years 7-10 | Clinical testing via Phase I, II and III clinical trials |
Year 10 | Register the drug with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
Year 11 | Introduction of the drug to the public |
Years 11-15 | Product monitoring and Phase IV clinical trials |
Novel Procedures
Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy is a much more accurate method to provide appropriate radiation to the affected area by efficiently sparing the surrounding healthy tissues. It is one of the most accurate forms of the externally delivering radiation therapy and now comes to its effective implementation in hospitals all across the globe.
The research over gene therapy, which includes viruses that stimulate the body to render an immune system and kill cancerous cells is still under process. There are also simultaneous clinical testing trials under process for examining the effectiveness of the photodynamic therapy. This treatment exposes the sensitive cancer cells to a specific light that helps kill them. Another therapy is the immunotherapy, which influences the immune system of the patients to control and attack the antigens in the cancerous cells.
Majority of the medical professionals are keen in developing various strategies and methods for curing cancer. Biomarkers are helping these professionals gain higher interests in the respective research projects. The identification of particular compounds in tissue samples or fluids indicates the absence or presence of a particular disease. The first test that can detect biomarkers related to Mesothelioma with just blood screen is the Fujirebio Diagnostics test. The developers of this test also look forward to an increase in the rate of an early diagnosis of this disease.
Mesothelioma Clinical Trials
One of the most effective ways to collect information of a specific drug, its effects and procedure for the Mesothelioma patients, is clinical testing trial. It being a rare illness, every opportunity for observing a patient’s response to the treatment greatly assists the medical researchers to understand the effectiveness of the therapy.
The purpose of the clinical testing trials is to explore those treatments that illustrate success and safe processing. These clinical trials come under the observation of qualified professionals, as the nature of the tests are risky. However,the benefits and risks both are illustrated to the patients before commencing the tests. After illustrating all the factors of the tests, the process commences only after a positive consent of the patient.
Clinical trials involve four phases, each focusing on a crucial aspect of product development.
- Phase I determines basic information such as drug dosage or methods of administration.
- Phase II focuses on the treatment’s safety and interaction with the intended target.
- Phase III compares the new method of treatment to current options. If it appears to significantly impact prognosis, FDA approval will be requested, which can take up to a year.
- Phase IV begins after the drug has been approved for use and it becomes clinically accepted. This monitoring is used to measure its continued affects on a wider population.
Mesothelioma Research Funding
The sponsors helped bring Mesothelioma out of the darkness by securing national funding for the approved medical studies. The U.S. Department of Defense billed $50 million for the research on Mesothelioma in 2008 and funds are still undergoing their distribution in increments of approximately $2.5 million.
The Meso Foundation’s Science Advisory Board reviews dozens of international research proposals each year and awards grants of up to $50,000 per project per year. A number of smaller grants, private donations and proceeds from independent fundraisers have been awarded to other research organizations.
Applying Research: Education and Empowerment
The Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference has been and is still sharing the latest studies with the concerned patients, families and medical professionals. The Meso Foundation backs an annual International Convention on Malignant Mesothelioma. In addition, since the year 2000, the International Mesothelioma Interest group has also been hosting annual Mesothelioma symposiums. These accompanied by the smaller local presentations through hospitals and physicians are held to provide the attendees with ground breaking information on Mesothelioma screening researches, treatments and diagnosis.
Mesothelioma patients can become more involved in their respective treatments after being aware of the latest treatment trends and methods to overcome this dreadful disease. The Asbestos Advisors also offer personalized awareness packages that explain the financial assistance methods, remedies available, therapies and many other concerned factors to deal with this disease.
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