Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Support for Docker images in Google App Engine - Google Cloud Platform

8:53 AM
Support for Docker images in Google App Engine - Google Cloud Platform
Everything at Google, from Search to Gmail, is packaged and run in a Linux container. We announced increased container support on Cloud Platform, including support for Docker images in App Engine. Sign up or Learn more.
In case you missed it in May: 250 million events in BigQuery, 10 product launches, and more
Had a hard time keeping up with all the news from May? Read our round-up.
Official CoreOS images are now available on Google Compute Engine
We continued to broaden our portfolio of supported operating systems with CoreOS, a new Linux distribution that has been rearchitected to provide features needed to run massive server deployments. Read more or get started.
MySQL 5.6 now available in Google Cloud SQL
MySQL 5.6 is now available in Google Cloud SQL. MySQL 5.6 includes great new features such as geospatial distance queries, full text indexing in InnoDB tables, online schema changes and a bunch of performance improvements. Get started.
Creating a greener Internet on Cloud Platform
Whether you measure 'greenness' by how little energy it takes to run our infrastructure, how much renewable energy we've enabled, our net carbon emissions, or our rating in the latest Greenpeace report, you can rest assured that you minimize your environmental impact by choosing Google. Read more.
Welcome Stackdriver to Google Cloud Platform
We announced that Stackdriver is joining the Cloud Platform team. Stackdriver has built a leading service to help developers intelligently monitor the apps and services they're building and running in the cloud. Read more.
World's largest event dataset now publicly available in BigQuery
BigQuery just got bigger. We made the world's largest event dataset available publicly. Now, anyone can use BigQuery to run queries over more than 250 million global events in the GDELT Event Database. Read more.
More announcements
Using Ansible to automate Google Compute Engine
A new and improved gsutil
See what Cloud Foundry is doing with Compute Engine
WebFilings shares their experience with Cloud Platform
How Wix fortifies its disaster recovery cluster on Cloud Platform
Spark cluster on Google Compute Engine
Google ranked as a "Visionary" in the Gartner IaaS Magic Quadrant
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