Monday, December 9, 2013

Nutrition and Mesothelioma

7:29 AM
It is well known that proper diet and nutrition are essential to living a healthy life, especially if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer or some other disease. Mesothelioma patients can certainly benefit from an improved diet, which may change throughout the course of their cancer treatment to meet various nutritional needs.
According to the book, "What to Eat if You Have Cancer," diet is very important in the causation and relief of many forms of cancer. Some mesothelioma patients have improved their prognosis by changing their diet. To receive a free copy of this book in the mail, click here.

Benefits of Nutrition

Without a current cure for mesothelioma, patients battling the cancer often want to fight it in every way possible. Nutritious eating is a wonderful way to instill mesothelioma hope and equip the immune system with positive fuel. The food and nutrients that we put into our bodies greatly affect our ability to heal and fight disease.
Food Pyramid
Eating a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables enables the body to function properly and adequately fight infection and illness. Eating nutritious food while actively fighting mesothelioma through treatment may not cure the cancer, but fighting the disease from every angle will give patients the best possible outlook.
Mesothelioma patients undergoing various treatments may have additional nutritional concerns.Nutrition during chemotherapy is extremely important as the drugs used during treatment kill cancer cells, but simultaneously affect healthy cells as well, leaving the body in a weakened state.
Many patients may experience side effects from the treatment, including nausea and diarrhea. Mild flavored foods such as whole grain toast may settle the stomach and be easier to keep down during treatment. To combat constipation, patients should select foods with a large amount of fiber such as apples, oatmeal and broccoli. Ensuring adequate protein consumption is also important and many patients include egg whites, beans, milk and lean meats in their daily diet.
Patients undergoing radiation therapy may also experience side effects such as vomiting and loss of appetite. Since radiation can zap energy, it is important to eat nutritious foods with healthy calories to fuel the body properly. Limiting the amount of salt, alcohol and caffeine ingested during treatment is also very important. Speaking with a doctor or a nutritionist can help a patient receive guidance about proper nutrition and recommended foods to eat or avoid during radiation. 

Beneficial Foods for a Mesothelioma Diet

Mesothelioma patients face different nutritional needs because cancer and cancer treatments may cause nutrition-related side effects. For example, mesothelioma patients receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy may have difficulty eating regularly since these treatments are known to cause severe nausea. Additionally, general weakness after surgery can complicate proper food consumption among mesothelioma patients. Some other side effects of cancer treatment that may interfere with nutrition include anorexia, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, mouth sores, trouble swallowing, general pain, depression or anxiety.
It is important to consume beneficial foods before, during and after treatment as malnutrition can make a patient weak, tired, susceptible to infection, or unable to handle cancer treatments. The most common diet problem for cancer patients is consuming too little protein and calories, which are essential to sustaining energy, fighting infection and healing. The National Cancer Institute reports that being well-nourished during the cancer process can lead to a better prognosis. Other important elements of a mesothelioma diet include:
  • The following nutrients will help to sustain all cancer patients and potentially improve their quality of life while undergoing treatment: antioxidants, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, vitamins and water.
  • Talking with a nutritionist or dietitian is important to creating a healthy diet that is tailored to each patient and their specific needs.
  • Check with your doctor to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need. They will know if nutritional supplementation is right for you during the course of treatment.
  • Pleural mesothelioma patients may benefit from foods that help with respiratory problems, such as slippery elm bark.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma patients find relief in foods that soothe stomach pain, including ginger.
In addition to improving prognosis, nutritional changes can help relieve painful or uncomfortable symptoms of mesothelioma and treatment side effects. This effect depends on the type and stage of the mesothelioma, but alleviating symptoms can greatly improve quality of life.

Diet Suggestions for Patients and Caregivers

Maintaining proper nutrition during mesothelioma treatment and recovery often involves effort from both the patient and the caregiver, as meal planning can alleviate some of the stress associated with food shopping and meal prepping.

Some of the following suggestions may be helpful to cancer patients and their caregivers:

  • When food shopping, stock up on the patient’s favorite foods (as well as all foods important to their nutritional needs) to reduce the need to shop often.
  • Talk with a dietitian or doctor about meal plans and developing a grocery list to relieve this burden from the patient and caregiver.
  • Prepare meals in advance and freeze them in meal-size portions that are easy for the patient or caregiver to heat up.
Caregivers and patients can benefit from the various support groups and resources available to those coping with mesothelioma. For more information, please visit our Mesothelioma Supportsection.

Survivor Tips

Some mesothelioma survivors have greatly benefitted from altering their nutritional intake of foods and herbs. Rhio O’Connor survived seven years with pleural mesothelioma without undergoing surgery or chemotherapy by sticking to a strict nutritional regimen and mind-body therapy. For example, O’Conner used the herb slippery elm bark to help his pleural mesothelioma symptoms. Paul Kraus, diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 1997, continues to survive by maintaining a strict vegetarian and nutritional diet as well as other holistic treatment measures. Among many other supplements, Kraus is known to use flaxseed and vitamin C in his all-natural approach.
Before dietary changes are made, all mesothelioma patients should consult with their doctor to determine if such changes are beneficial for them personally. With a proper nutrition plan, life expectancy, quality of life and overall general health may improve. For more information and nutrition tips for mesothelioma patients, request a free book from the Mesothelioma Center.



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